I am a postdoctoral researcher at the MIT Media Lab advised by Prof. Ramesh Raskar, and mentored by Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland. I am also a research scientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School working with Prof. Rajiv Gupta and Prof. Mauricio Santillana.
Previously, I worked with Prof. Rainer Stiefelhagen (KIT) and Prof. Luc Van Gool (KU Leuven/ ETH Zürich). My research focuses on computer vision, machine learning, health and privacy.
Open to high-impact conversations.
Recent News:
[20.6.2022] I am part of the organizing committee and a General Chair for the CVPR workshop "Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding".
[21.05.2021] I am part of the organizing committee for the Joint NSF-NIST Workshop: To Develop a Roadmap for Greater Public Use of
Privacy-Sensitive Government Data.
[11.10.2021] I am part of the organizing committee for the ICCV workshop & Challenge: "Open-World Video Object Detection and Segmentation Challenge".
[11.10.2021] I am part of the organizing committee and a General Chair for the ICCV tutorial "Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding".
[19.6.2021] I am part of the organizing committee and a General Chair for the CVPR workshop "Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding".
[07.5.2021] I am part of the organizing committee for the ICLR workshop: "Distributed and Private Machine Learning (DPML)".
[11.12.2020] I am part of the organizing committee for the conference: The MIT "Vaccines for All" Conference.
[22.7.2020] I am part of the organizing committee and a General Chair for the event "Responsible Data Summit".